

File size TIFF:
10,1 MB
File size JPEG:
0,5 MB
Size at 300 dpi
19,5 x 13 cm
Pixel size:
2303 x 1535 px
Original format:
digital 16.7 megapixel
architecture building historical religious country France departement Aube Champagne North France town city Chartres cathedral Notre-Dame gothic Gothic, built from 1134 (west cladding) and from 1194 (choir and main ship), view at the total arrangement from the south-east Middle Ages
Architektur Bauwerk historisch religiös Land Frankreich Departement Aube Champagne Nordfrankreich Stadt Chartres Kathedrale Notre-Dame gotisch Gotik, erbaut ab 1134 (Westfassade) und ab 1194 (Chor und Hauptschiff), Blick auf Gesamtanalge von Südosten Mittelalter
This image can although be found in following categories:
subjects > architecture > building historical
subjects > architecture > building religious
subjects > countries > France