

File size TIFF:
10,1 MB
File size JPEG:
0,3 MB
Size at 300 dpi
13 x 19,5 cm
Pixel size:
1535 x 2303 px
Original format:
digital 21.0 megapixel
leisure time pleasure recovery board game to play tp gamble monopoly money to count numbers to pay payment banknotes consumption to buy to sell selling bartering to dice real property trade city competition
Freizeit Vergnügen Erholung Spiel Brettspiel spielen zocken Monopoly Geld zählen Zahlen bezahlen Bezahlung Scheine Blättern hinblättern Konsum Konsumrausch Kaufen Verkaufen Tauschen Immobilien handeln Handel Wettkampf Stadmeisterschaften
This image can although be found in following categories:
subjects > spare time/leisure time > recovery
subjects > spare time/leisure time > pleisure/fun