

File size TIFF:
10,1 MB
File size JPEG:
0,3 MB
Size at 300 dpi
13 x 19,4 cm
Pixel size:
1535 x 2295 px
Original format:
digital 4.5 megapixel
work apprenticeship occupation profession handcraft machinist toolmaker education apprenticeship economy enterprise machine works factory MR Reinhausen apprentice boy master workpiece appraisal to learn learning
Arbeit Ausbildung Beruf Handwerk Maschinenbauer Werkzeugmacher Erziehung Ausbildung Wirtschaft Unternehmen Maschinenfabrik MR Reinhausen Lehrlingsausbildung Auszubildender Lehrling Meister Werkstückbegutachtung Lernen
This image can although be found in following categories:
subjects > work > apprenticeship/education/training
subjects > work > occupation/profession > toolmaker
subjects > education > training/education/apprenticeship
subjects > economy > business/company > MR Reinhausen