00260-13 00260-13 former priest innkeeper author writer Lauf an der Pegnitz
00261-13 00261-13 former priest innkeeper author writer Lauf an der Pegnitz
00262-13 00262-13 former priest innkeeper author writer Lauf an der Pegnitz
00263-13 00263-13 former priest innkeeper author writer Lauf an der Pegnitz
00264-13 00264-13 former priest innkeeper author writer Lauf an der Pegnitz
00265-13 00265-13 former priest innkeeper author writer Lauf an der Pegnitz
00266-13 00266-13 former priest innkeeper author writer Lauf an der Pegnitz
00267-13 00267-13 former priest innkeeper author writer Lauf an der Pegnitz
01382-12 01382-12 Laetitia Fech OCist. head of abbey convent Zisterzienserinnen-Abtei monastery cloister
01091-12 01091-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01092-12 01092-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01093-12 01093-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01094-12 01094-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01095-12 01095-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01096-12 01096-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01097-12 01097-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01098-12 01098-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01099-12 01099-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01100-12 01100-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01101-12 01101-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01102-12 01102-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01103-12 01103-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01104-12 01104-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01105-12 01105-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
01106-12 01106-12 regional bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria Systematic theologist theologian
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