00811-01 00811-01 businessman Fashion Sperb
00810-01 00810-01 h.c. Johann Vielberth businessman Dr. -Vielberth-Management Ltd. Donau-Einkaufszentrum Danube Shopping
00808-01 00808-01 diocese bishop former director bishopric diocese Regensburg
00809-01 00809-01 diocese bishop former director bishopric diocese Regensburg
00807-01 00807-01 Director County Alternative Service Bureau Regensburg
00806-01 00806-01 Director Citizens' Bureau North Konradsiedlung town city administration Regensburg
00775-01 00775-01 Catholic prayer portrait suffragan bishop Vinzenz Guggenberger Diocese Administrator provost
00805-01 00805-01 Müller Brigadier Deputy Commander command Air Forces 4 KLK 4
00769-01 00769-01 Schaidinger Mayor town city Regensburg politician town city Councilor Councillor
02759-02 02759-02 Dani Karavan artist Israel inspection of planned work of art
02760-02 02760-02 Dani Karavan artist Israel inspection of planned work of art
02997-01 02997-01 von Thurn und Taxis businesswoman Regensburg
02998-01 02998-01 von Thurn und Taxis businesswoman Regensburg
02999-01 02999-01 von Thurn und Taxis businesswoman Regensburg
03000-01 03000-01 von Thurn und Taxis businesswoman Regensburg
00064-02 00064-02 von Thurn und Taxis Regensburg businesswoman sawing a log
02545-01 02545-01 State Chairwoman of the Catholic Women's Social Service SKF Regensburg
02544-01 02544-01 female photographer Magnum USA Austria
00113-02 00113-02 Achim Göpferich Chair Pharmaceutical Technology Department of Natural Sciences IV
02503-01 02503-01 businessman entrepreneur inventor Messerschmitt Kabinenroller F 2000 Regensburg
02504-01 02504-01 businessman entrepreneur inventor Messerschmitt Kabinenroller F 2000 Regensburg
02500-01 02500-01 businessman entrepreneur baker bakery Ebner bread roll tray roll tray
02501-01 02501-01 businessman entrepreneur baker bakery Ebner bread roll tray roll tray
00118-02 00118-02 Sabine Demel theologian Department of Catholic Theology Chair of Systematic
02539-01 02539-01 Stephan Schneuwly biologist Department of Natural Sciences III Chair of