

File size TIFF:
10,1 MB
File size JPEG:
0,5 MB
Size at 300 dpi
13 x 19,5 cm
Pixel size:
1535 x 2303 px
Original format:
digital 8.0 megapixel
religion Christianity Catholicism catholic cardinal professor Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller former prefect of the Congregation of the Faith in the Vatican Rome former diocese bishop diocese headmaster diocese Regensburg dogmatist former professor of dogmatic Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich father Stan Fortuna Franziskaner padre musician rapper USA Amerika New York Bronx Ghetto celebration festival festiveness tradition event World Youth Day's cross Key2Life Old Stone Bridge Steinerne Brücke
Religion Christentum Katholizismus katholisch Kardinal Professor Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller ehemaliger Präfekt der Glaubenskongregation im Vatikan Rom ehemaliger Diözesanbischof em. Bistumsleitung Bistum Diözese Regensburg Dogmatiker ehemaliger Professor Lehrstuhl für Dogmatik Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München Father Stan Fortuna Franziskanerpater Musiker Rapper USA Amerika New York Bronx Ghetto Fest Feierlichkeit Brauchtum Veranstaltung Weltjugendtagskreuz Key2Life Steinerne Brücke
This image can although be found in following categories:
subjects > customs/tradition
subjects > festivitiy/festival/celebration
subjects > religion > christianity
people > Regensburg > religion
people > international > culture
people > international > religion