

File size TIFF:
10,1 MB
File size JPEG:
0,3 MB
Size at 300 dpi
19,5 x 13 cm
Pixel size:
2303 x 1535 px
Original format:
digital 16.7 megapixel
human being senior health care health medicine spare time leisure pleasure enjoyment joy ambulant care day care looks after living look after care to provide care age elderly care senior old man book reading memory training continuing education glas juice tea drink liquid
Mensch Senioren Gesundheitswesen Gesundheit Medizin Freizeit Vergnügen Altenheim Seniorenheim Stationäre Pflege Ambulante Pflege Betreutes Wohnen betreuen versorgen Pflege Altenpflege Senior Mann Greis alt Buch lesen sich weiterbilden Gedächtnistraining Glas Fruchtsaft Tee Getränk
This image can although be found in following categories:
subjects > spare time/leisure time > pleisure/fun
subjects > health care > medicine
subjects > people > seniors/elderly people
subjects > social affairs > care services for the elderly